.to my website! I have the great good fortune to work with extremely talented singers all over Germany, in Vienna, Paris and London. This is something that never ceases to amaze me and for which I am endlessly grateful. Many of these singers are performing in Opera Houses from the Deutsche Oper and the Staatsoper Berlin, to the Opera Comique in Paris and Covent Garden. Also in every Musical Theater in Germany; Jazz singers performing in Hildesheim, Hannover and Berlin. Singers performing in churches from "around the corner" to the Frauen Kirche in Dresden. When I start to add all this up I realize how very much I have to be thankful for. I learn far more from the singers who come to me than they can possibly imagine and I look forward to learning more...from the ones I know, and the new ones who will come my way. Please have a look around and let me know what you think...
Many thanks to Neil for his constant incredible example. And of course to every singer who has ever allowed me the challenge, pleasure and responsibility of working with them---Thank You!